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HomeEDUCATIONMotivationHow To Control Your Wrath

How To Control Your Wrath

The key to controlling anger is to understand where it is starting.

We were angry last year, a divisive election and a tense political scene were partly guilty for that anger. Republicans were crazy in Democrats, and Democrats were mad in Republicans. But this is not just politics

When we got the coworkers in the microwave to break the brake room by burning popcorn, and we got angry, when the driver in front of us was just driving the speed limit.

Americans, in fact, as a matter, are usually angry. A 2015 survey organized by Esquire Magazine and NBC News asked 3,257 Americans whether they were angry in comparison to this year; 49 percent said yes when they were asked how many times they have heard something in the news that they get angry, 31 percent said that they say a few times a day and 37 percent once a day, i.e. two out of three Americans More people are annoyed at least once per day.

Are Your Emotions In Control? When anger gets the best out of us, then it can ruin our work and personal relationships, spoil hard conditions, cause violence, and even affect our health. Could. By late Albert Ellis, PhD founded rational emotional behavior therapy and researched a lot of anger in his life – what causes it and how it is controlled, controls its part in this part before its control , Ellis explains how we can control our anger: an updated version of Crash: how live and without it in March Releases

The second day your boss had done so much injustice and injustice to you that you actually feel like doing it. Fortunately, you had to leave the office before getting an opportunity to blow it in your presence, Even after you took more than half an hour to calm down. When you remember how suspicious it was, your heart is still pounding. Now let’s see how you can behave better with your anger in those circumstances

First of all, you can fully accept that instead of refusing or making them rational, you have offended the feelings against your master; And you can accept that you are mainly brought to them and you are foolishly releasing them.

You angry yourself – your boss did not do it. You did so wrongly, you properly felt angry and irritated on your potentially bad and very serious behavior. Why was it so unfair when you should like it? But then you annoy yourself about your horrors and its inadequacy, which you did not have to do.

Second, and perhaps even more important, you can work on accepting yourself with your anger. You can accept the mistake of your feelings but you can not do the bad things that you can do badly, just like other people, but you do not need to condemn acting like this. As a defective person, you give yourself the right to go wrong, irritate yourself irregularly. Show yourself that you are not stupid to do this. You are the only person who has played the role of stupidness, not a stupid person.

Say something to yourself, I actually deal with self-defeating myself on my boss, but I can do it easily and as a human, can get the right to work in that silly way I am My work is wrong, but I am not a bad person In other words, accepting yourself while not accepting your behavior, fully accept your negative side: this most likely brings you more harm than good.

Review your anger and see why it causes damage to you. It may be pain in your stomach. It does not help to solve your problem with your boss. It can easily make your relationship worse with him. It can cause physical problems (hypertension, etc.) It keeps you busy with your boss and its irrational irrationality, prevents you from concentrating on how to work better in your work and do it more By the way breaks your efficiency

If you accept you despite your anger, your humanity, you will have difficulty in completely accepting it as a wrong or self-destruct. But if you insist on condemning yourself for your anger, then you deny your anger, suppress and forgive. And you will deal with it poorly. Look at it as bad but right. Review that you had accidentally asked yourself to get angry. Make a resolve to think a little different in the future, and practice doing so in your head.


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